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Birth and the nervous system

A lot of us know that stress can make birth more difficult than it needs to be, but how exactly does this happen? And what can we do about it?

Our body is designed to function as best as it can given the environment around us, that’s why we have two nervous system states that effect all of the functions of our body and our physical structure. These two states are parasympathetic (rest/digest) and sympathetic (fight/flight/freeze/collapse).

When our body is in a state of rest/digest

  • Our skeletal structure opens so there is more space for blood flow, digestion, oxygenation through out the whole body and ease of movement.

  • Our bones, organs and fascia move rhythmically to pump fluids around the body and create even pressure through out our body. These pumping motions allow birth to happen smoothly, in fight/flight they slow down and in collapse they stop all together- meaning the bones have to open out with force in order to birth the baby, this leads to greater levels of discomfort and a higher likelihood for excessive blood loss and other complications.

  • The motility of our organs increase, meaning they function better. This is necessary for the foetus to develop motor patterns through out their stages of growth in the uterus. These motor patterns help the baby in the birthing process, they are an active participant in this too.

  • The position of the uterus is aligned to allow for an optimal position of the baby and placenta.

The baby will inherit the mothers nervous system, so if her nervous system is regulated then the baby has a great start to life!

The aim is not to be parasympathetic 100% of the time, as we are designed to be adaptable. Anything over 50% of the time starts to tip the balance of the body’s state into one of greater functionality.

In Holistic Biomechanics we use simple movements and visualisations that give the brain enough information about where we are here and now to choose a more appropriate nervous system state, and to increase pumping functions through out the body and decrease the fight/flight motor patterns that lead to our skeletal structure narrowing, our fascia rigidifying and our organ function slowing.

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